Welcome to EndoZone
An evidence-based website co-created with people affected by endo
Funded by the Australian Government and Jean Hailes for Women’s Health, EndoZone has been developed by researchers, health experts, Australia’s endometriosis (endo) associations, and most importantly of all, you. Backed by our own research led algorithm, EndoZone learns what users want and responds to what they need.
Get started with these self-management tips
We've collated the research to find out which techniques are the most successful for managing the symptoms of endometriosis
Understanding endo
What’s normal, and what’s not for people like me?
For school/uni For work/life balance For supporters
Or understand the endo journey
Help with endo research
Would you like to join a research study?
People in the endo community were asked what they most need from EndoZone, and we listened. You told us that doctors need to be better informed about endo, that more information is needed about periods and what's normal, and that you want to know how to manage your pain better. Get involved with current research opportunities: