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There are many complementary therapies to choose from. Some of the therapies that people with endometriosis have found to be effective include acupuncture, massage and yoga.

Modern medical treatments for endometriosis may be ineffective or their side-effects could be intolerable for some people. Hence, they find using complementary therapies in addition to their regular medications to be more effective in managing endometriosis-related symptoms. View research

There are many complementary therapies to choose from. Studies have shown that some of the therapies found to be effective for pain management and general well-being include osteopathy, yoga, dietary supplements such as fish oil and psychotherapyacupuncture, massage, homeopathy, mindfulness, breathing exercises and changes to diet.

Acupuncture for endo


Step 1: Choose a complementary therapy of your choice

A vast range of complementary therapies are available. If you don’t know where to start, have a look at some of the complementary therapies mentioned above, which are reported to be effective by people who have used them. Once you’ve decided upon a complementary therapy, you can make an appointment with a qualified practitioner of that therapy. Always remember to consult your doctor before trying a complementary therapy.

Step 2: Check with your GP or private health fund 

Endometriosis is eligible to be managed under a chronic disease management plan. A few sessions of selected complementary therapies may be available at a subsidised price under a chronic disease management plan. Talk to your GP to check if the chosen therapy is covered under your plan. Alternatively, your private health fund (if you have one) may cover a percentage of the costs, depending upon the type of cover you have.  

Step 3: Trial and error

Bear in mind that not one complementary therapy suits all. What works for one may not work for someone else. If a particular complementary therapy does not work for you, don’t be discouraged. You may have to try several before you find out which complementary therapy works best for you.

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